Further Strategies is a small consulting firm founded by Martha Roskowski in Boulder CO in 2017. She brings a wealth of experience in the mobility world.
At the PeopleForBikes Foundation, she ran the Green Lane Project that put protected bike lanes on the ground in U.S. cities, into the design guides and set up as the gold standard for safe biking on busy streets. She launched the Big Jump Project to do the same for connected, low-stress bike networks. She led more than 300 city leaders on study tours in the Netherlands and Denmark, helping them embrace the big vision of sustainable transportation.
She ran the innovative GO Boulder program, which serves as the transportation planning, programs and policy shop for the City of Boulder. There, she launched bike share, developed a data-driven safety effort and secured additional funding for transportation.
As the campaign manager for America Bikes, she led the biking and walking community’s efforts on the reauthorization of the federal transportation bill that became SAFETEA-LU. Successes include the creation of the federal Safe Routes to School program and preserved the Enhancements and CMAQ funding programs. The campaign also launched the Complete Streets movement, for which she was recently deemed the “godmother of Complete Streets.” She named “advocate of the year” by Bicycle Retailer & Industry News for her leadership of the campaign.
She transformed the statewide advocacy group Bicycle Colorado into an effective and respected voice in the statehouse and the media. She was selected to represent recreational interests on the Bureau of Land Management Resources Advisory Council.
She helped to create numerous non-profits including the Thunderhead Alliance, Salida Parks, Open Space and Trails, Salida Radio Club, Boulder Offroad Alliance. She served on the Salida Planning & Zoning Commission and the Boulder B-Cycle Boards.